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Friday, February 24, 2012
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
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Glitch found in faster-than-light setup
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: Months after researchers reported that they measured neutrinos traveling faster than light, they're finding that the incredible result may have been due to a bad connector rather than a violation of relativity theory.
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5 Ways to Make Your Financial New Year's Resolution Last ...
This student financial literacy moment is brought to you by, an industry leader in providing solid financial advice and tools for college students.
We make resolutions as initiatives to work towards self-improvement, with the intent of fixing the problematic areas in our lives. For many college students, this problem area is the state of their finances; most of them want to resolve their issue, but don?t know what is required to do so. Well here goes: the first step is to make a resolution based on your areas of focus; the second step is to follow through with your resolution, which is where we come in to guide you. In order to successfully navigate your sojourn to financial self-improvement, follow these tips and guidelines to make sure that once you set out, you continue down the right road and attain your end goal.
Set a Goal (And Know Why You Want it)
It is not uncommon for the enthusiasm that once fueled your motivation for financial self-improvement to fizzle out over time, but there is a strategy to fight the fizzle; instead of simply setting a goal for yourself as a means to an end, you should really understand your motivation for setting this goal.
In the first steps of goal-setting, knowing why you want this one thing so badly is even more important than knowing exactly how you will get it. Do you want to increase your low credit score within the next year? Why? Because it will allow you to sign a rental lease on a new apartment? Because it will improve your job prospects for a promotion or new position? Because it will help you become a better candidate for a much needed school loan? All of these are significant motivating factors for wanting to increase your credit score. Once you understand your own reasons, it will be easier to formulate a strategy for achieving your goal and the probability of success will be higher.
Create an Organization System
If you really want to be successful in achieving financial health you must incorporate some organization into your life. Many people who?ve found themselves in bad financial shape claim to not have realized the extent of their troubles until it had gotten completely out of control; this is due in part to a poor money management system. There is simply too much paperwork involved for you to not have some sort of organizational strategy in place.?
You should keep your important documents (social security card, marriage or birth certificate, passport) separated from the paperwork you reference on a regular basis. The former should be kept in a secure lock box or cabinet; the latter, which would likely include bank or utility statements, receipts, investments, credit reports, loan information, and budget sheets, should be kept in a binder with categorized sections for each respective type of paperwork. By arranging all of your paperwork and important documents in a systematized filing system you will be much more equipped to stay on top of your finances.
Use Your Banks Financial Tools and Resources
Banks offer some great resources to help its clients manage their money better. The advent of internet technology has made online banking a convenient, useful tool for consumers who now have much more accessibility to their banking activity. For example, you can view your statement online at any time, making it easier to monitor your spending and keep tabs on your budget.?
Another useful feature is automatic account transfers, which are helpful if you want to establish a savings fund. Once you?ve set up a prearranged amount of money you would like to be moved into your savings account, you are no longer accountable for remembering to set aside money each month; the bank will automatically take care of it for you. In some cases, it is also possible to set up an automatic transfer from your paycheck into your savings account. (Ask your employer if this option is available.)
Start Sensibly Saving (For Real, This Time)
There are a few ways to get started doing this.
First, use small change to create big change. Literally. Empty out your pockets or purse at the end of each day and stash your loose change in an empty jar. Once the jar has reached capacity, take it to your bank and deposit it in your savings account. You would be surprised at how much it will add up to?think a few hundred dollars each time.
Second, set up the auto transfer feature for your bank account that we mentioned earlier. It is an easy, long-term, low-impact way to start a savings fund. Putting just 10% aside each month will go a long way.
Third, rethink any surplus. If you have extra money coming in from somewhere?be it a raise, a bonus, a tax return, some rebates, anything at all?resist the impulse to splurge on the frivolous. Instead of treating yourself now when you might not need it, elect to treat your future self, who might actually need the money for something important down the road, and put the money directly into your savings or emergency fund.
Improve Your Credit
The significance of your credit score cannot be stressed enough. This number is essentially the determinate for everything important in your life: it affects your chances of getting hired, your ability to rent a home, and the price of your loans, mortgage and insurance rates. To stay on top of your credit (or to rectify a current delinquent rating), it is imperative that you submit regular, punctual credit card payments and that you disassociate with any activity that could otherwise compromise you?re credibility.
Take advantage of your free annual credit report which you can get at By law, you?re entitled to one free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each credit bureau: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Look closely for any errors that could be negatively impacting your score; if you find one, immediately inform the reporting bureau.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Expert Tips To Help You Through Your Pregnancy | Askasalesrep ...
When you are expecting, you aren?t going to instantly master pregnancy. Even on your second and third pregnancy, there are still questions that you will have, and you have a lot to learn from step to step of your pregnancy. Use this article as a great source of good tips to use when you have found out that you are expecting a new addition to your family.
For a surprising but effective way to control morning sickness during pregnancy, have a small handful of almonds. They are an excellent source of both calcium and protein, and eating a high-protein snack is a great way to prevent the queasiness that can hit you any time of the day.
Ask the women in your family about their pregnancy and birth experiences. Knowing how long it took your mother to get pregnant or that your sister has ovarian cysts can be valuable information when you are trying to conceive. Not all fertility and pregnancy conditions are hereditary, though, so tell your doctor everything you learn and she will be able to discern what could be relevant for you.
Avoid alcohol when trying to conceive or if you are already pregnant. Alcohol can cause you and your baby to have serious health problems. When trying to conceive, alcohol decreases sperm count and makes getting pregnant more difficult. Even drinks like wine are unhealthy for pregnant women or those trying to conceive.
In order to find the best nutrition for you and your baby during pregnancy, become a label reader. There are many extra chemicals and ingredients that may not be best for your growing baby and reading labels is the way to keep them out of your diet. It just takes a minute to protect your baby.
You can learn a great deal during your pregnancy to prepare for the birth of your child by reading about the birth experiences of others. Reading the stories that others share, and watching videos that they have posted online can give you valuable information about the wonders of birth, as well as the challenges.
Each day during pregnancy, be sure to rub a body lotion containing cocoa butter on your growing belly. The cocoa butter has been shown to keep the skin supple and reduces the possibility of visible stretch marks after birth. You could even get your partner to assist you with this as a way of encouraging their bonding with the child.
Stock up on notepads and sticky notes and write everything down that you are supposed to remember. Many pregnant women realize that their memories are just not what they were pre-pregnancy. Counteract this development by making yourself reminders of everything before you find yourself at the store with no idea why you are there.
If you want to know more about your pregnancy so you have the comfort that you have everything under control, you should definitely put these great tips to use. If you are a bit scared, worried, or just anxious or overwhelmed, this article can set those worries at ease with tips that are easy to follow and understand. The above is only a modest slice from the total as it concerns Tips for Getting Pregnant. As usual, you can increase your efforts when your knowledge is more comprehensive and greater. What we will do is go into much deeper are more subtle points that will give you a greater understanding and more benefit. One thing to bear in mind is you have to view it against your unique needs, and that is why we offer it.
It doesn?t matter how much you feel you are knowledgeable about Pregnancy week 26 and even on Pregnancy week 25, see this wonderful site to be entertained with truly insightful information.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Relationship Enhancement ? Enhancing Your Relationship With EFT
If you have been trying unsuccessfully to fix, improve, as well as save a relationship, don?t think about yourself like a failure. Ideas, values, reminiscences, grudges, bitterness, along with other programming might be hampering how well you?re progressing and, before you take them off, or try to deal with them, your relationship is not prone to get far better. The good thing is which you can use EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques) to get rid of or get rid of the emotional triggers that have you feeling bad, angry, sad, worried, or threatened ? in addition to getting rid of roadblocks to the prosperity of your relationship.
Sometimes you?ll need directions to be able to get where you are going and often you?ll need a vehicle to enable you to get there. But not, despite the fact that you realize where you need to go, and have the means to make it happen, the street appears blocked ? full of obstacles between both you and your destination. EFT is a superb tool for clearing small obstructions or major roadblocks ? or any problematic ideas or restricting values that may be leading to you to definitely sabotage yourself, or else impeding your time and efforts to create things better on your own as well as your relationship.
The initial step to presenting EFT to enhance your relationship would be to discover the technique ? that is easy because of the disposable training manuals and demonstration videos available these days online. EFT is an extremely simple technique that may be learned within a few minutes but merely learning EFT will not completely solve your problems. The 2nd step is using the EFT way to your particular situation or condition. This is when the skill of practicing EFT becomes important ? and why people pay some EFT professionals as much as 0 an hour or so, and perhaps more, to assist them to sort out the EFT process for specific issues. But it?s not necessary to. There?s enough information within the free manuals and videos to assist many people learn how to simply fill-in-the-blank using their own problem when using the EFT process. And you will find other free assets available on the web that will help you learn how to address specific issues, like relationship problems, destructive addictions, allergic reactions, etc.
EFT is basically an easy, acupressure-tapping technique that is coupled with an argument, ?Despite the fact that _________, I deeply and completely love and accept myself,? which will help your body and mind release their hang on the problem you placed in to the blank. Whenever your body accepts the statement, it?s no more ?stuck,? and you will process the big event or information with no uncomfortable emotional or somatic response you may have experienced before. For example, if you are frustrated that, regardless of what you need to do, nothing appears to assist your relationship, then you may make use of the EFT process while placing the saying, ?nothing I actually do appears to assist my relationship,? in to the blank within the EFT statement above. While tapping or rubbing on specified acupressure points, you just repeat the saying, ?Despite the fact that nothing I actually do appears to assist my relationship, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.?
If you?re tied to the fact that you cannot fix your relationship, then your subsequent stress can certainly prevent you from being able to access the various components of the brain where solutions and solutions are waiting that you should locate them. Read among the free EFT manuals that are offered make your personal listing of belief claims, or problem claims, to place in to the process. Here is a starter-listing of 20-common belief claims people encounter when attempting to enhance a relationship but you will want to reflect by yourself situation and develop specific claims which are true for the situation. Nevertheless, you might find a number of of those common values or troubles are true for you personally so give a few of these claims an attempt:
?Despite the fact that?
1. My partner does not love me?
2. My relationship is damaged?
3. I am a failure?
4. I am unlovable?
5. I am not adequate enough?
6. People always leave?
7. Nothing good ever lasts?
8. This method will not work?
9. There is little work?
10. I can not fix my relationship?
11. My partner?s a jerk?
12. My partner does not wish to focus on our relationship?
13. I can not learn how to fix my relationship?
14. I can not forget what went down?
15. I can not forgive my partner?
16. I am stuck?
17. There is no use within trying?
18. It?s over?
19. ?That factor? happened?
20. I am alone during my problems?
?I deeply and completely love and accept myself.?
Simply place each statement, or claims of your, in to the EFT phrase while you perform the process. The procedure only takes just a few minutes for every statement you?re clearing ? though some issues could need you to obvious multiple claims before they?re resolved. This can be used way to overcome negative feelings, change actions, as well as let-go of past trauma and grief over past occasions. You will find many different ways EFT might help enhance your relationship and many of them could make you a more powerful, smarter person along the way. Learn EFT and take away the obstacles between your relationship you would like. It might take a while but it can be done ? also it might be simpler than you believe!
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Positive attitude to live life with excellence
Positivity is a major asset and aspect of life as the significance of positivity can never be neglected. One should look to attain great results in life and should look forward rather than thinking about the past. This can help an individual to attain his goals with ease and there will be no complications for a person if he is very well aware of positive attitude. This really is very important and it should be a regular part of life in order to ensure that there will be great outcomes. One who has positivity in life can easily reach to various objectives and goals. If you are not too sure that how you will be able to get positivity in your life then there is nothing to worry about it.
Various methods and techniques can be improvised for this purpose and one can surely get desired results with ease.
If there is a negativity in your life then you may be thinking more about your past and you will be down and under because of these thoughts. You will remember the bad days of your life and there will be increase in negativity because of these thoughts. There might be some serious complications for you later if you are not going to get complete control on your negative aspects. You should have everything in your control and positive attitude can surely allow you to do that. One having some serious life complications can easily get rid of a few of them due to the positive attitude as well as positive thoughts.There will be a massive change in your personality with positivity around you. You will be in complete command of your whole life and you will be making such adjustments in life which may never be in your mind before.
You will start controlling the world on your own and everything will be done according to your perceptions and conceptions. There are many people who think that confidence is also associated with the attitude of a person. This concept is correct because if you are lacking confidence then you may need to improvise a better attitude in life. Things can surely turn in your way with the assistance of good attitude of your life.You will be thinking about your future and you will set up small objectives and goals in your mind. You will be positive in your approach towards achieving those goals and with the help of positive attitude you will surely get them with ease. Once you are able to get these small goals and objectives of life then there will be no complications for you to attain real success in life. Things can be done in the best way and everything can be done with excellence due to positivity. There will be a great feel of joy and you will be more passionate about your life aspects. ?
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Monday, February 20, 2012
Muscle Warfare ? Greatest Nutrition ... - New Health and Fitness
Nutrition is often so really crucial towards the human body. Babies will not completely create when deprived of it and adults won?t survive extended without having it either. The positive (and usually hidden) effects that nutrition has on the human body cannot be over-emphasized. This article can help you to understand more about nutrition and tips on how to be sure which you are getting it.
A fantastic nutrition tip is usually to start taking a multivitamin. Multivitamins are excellent due to the fact they cover a sizable area of vitamins and nutrients, and they can help balance out any diet. You can find unique multivitamins readily available for distinctive age groups, so it is crucial which you get the right a single for you.
A terrific nutritional tip would be to check in together with your doctor routinely. By checking in together with your physician often, you will come to be aware of any wellness modifications and you?ll know if your eating plan is lacking in any way. You are taking a gamble in case you do not take a look at your medical doctor.
To pick out healthier aliments, you?ll want to know what you might be shopping for and eating. A great deal of products are advertised as ?diet? or as ?light?. This will not necessarily tends to make them healthier. They generally include a lot more chemical substances to make up for the missing ingredients, or don?t contain adequate calories to offer you the power you need.
Wholesome consuming habits get started with great nutrition. Staying away from fast foods, fatty or fried foods, and foods high in added sugar will help you to stay clear of such wellness concerns as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart attack, and stroke. The additional folks know about how nutrition functions, the superior their possibilities may be.
The importance of nutrition to human growth and development ought to be obvious. There is no way that it can be over-emphasized. By finding out from this write-up, it is possible to bring the benefits of fantastic nutrition to your life, and have the ability to share it with those about you.
Acquire the Perfect Deal on Muscle Warfare together with information on topics like Muscle Building Supplements at the Website of Craig Mathews ? An International Authority in Physical exercise program.
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Learn to Identify and cost Antiques and Memorabilia
Antiques are old products which are a century old or older. Memorabilia are desired objects which are not a century old. Obviously, many antiques are collectible.
Values of antiques and memorabilia fluctuate because of demand, age, rarity, and also the economy. In boom occasions, if antiques are popular, the costs are high. Inside a low economy, when nobody is purchasing anything, the costs is going to be low. When nobody is purchasing, and also the costs are low, you are able to get various kinds of antiques and memorabilia for any song.
Certain products hold their value despite an undesirable economy. Things metallic this type of bronze statues, jewellery, and silverware will stay costly.
The latest fashions possess a lot related to the cost of both antiques and memorabilia. Clearly, if a lot of individuals are trying to find a small group of specific old objects, the cost is going to be high. You have to be cautious when antiques are popular too. If your particular kind of antique is extremely hot, like Flow Blue china within the 1980?s, there most likely be lots of reproductions available on the market. Reproductions are enjoyable for each day use, to spare the antiques, but don?t confuse a reproduction by having an actual antique. It may be tough to differentiate also it requires a trained eye.
You might want to find the need for your antiques for many reasons apart from the thought of immediate resale. Value antiques for insurance reasons, approximately they?re recorded for your own personel personal records. Keep in mind that actual value has more related to the marketplace compared to just how much you personally value an antique or collectible. Don?t confuse actual value with sentimental value.
For any broad concept of the need for an antique, certain that your sites like eBay. You are able to compare your personal products with offered products as well as their prices. You are able to identify many antiques, for example dishware, through the manufacturer?s stamp at the base. Google what or even the design around the stamp to assist learn more around the factory, date of production, and cost.
For any more concise value, come with an antique evaluated with a professional on paper. Look for a trustworthy evaluator or possess some one you know recommend someone they trust.
Keep in mind that individuals antique cost guides generally over value antiques. And when a cost guide was released in the past, individuals values may have transformed. Values may also have related to the region that you simply reside in too.
Let?s say you sell your antique or collectible to some dealer, via a consignment shop, or at auction, you won?t obtain the full cost. The dealership must make enough money to pay for expenses, and obtain a profit. Figure the dealer?s share to become about 1 / 3 from the purchase cost of every item.
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Sunday, February 19, 2012
Notion Ink's ICS build for Adam goes beta, adds 3G, GPS
Notion Ink's ICS build for Adam goes beta, adds 3G, GPS originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 18 Feb 2012 06:46:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Friday, February 17, 2012
iOS Notes comes to OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
Take a note on your Mac at home, update it on your iPad at a meeting, read it on your iPhone on the go. Built in.
A proper, iOS-style Notes app is one of the 100 features included in today's announcement of OS X 10.8, Mountain Lion developer preview.Source:
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Mixed News for Female Sci-Tech Faculty (
For female faculty in scientific or technical fields, a new study has good news, with some caveats.
Overall, women in these fields, collectively known as STEM, for?science, technology, engineering and mathematics, are staying in these positions at the same rate?as men, according to work done by Deborah Kaminski of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Cheryl Geisler of Simon Fraser University.
"This is really good news, it means if we hire them we are going to be able to keep them," Kaminski said in a podcast released by the journal Science, in which the study appears. The two also found that men and women receive promotions at about the same times.
In these fields overall, half of faculty will have departed within 10.9 years of their careers. One discipline bucks the overall trend, however. In mathematics, half of women leave by 4.45 years, and half of male faculty by 7.33 years into their careers, the study found. (A study released this week found that due to the demands of a professorship, many women choose motherhood over academics in math and science fields.)
But fewer women are entering these fields as faculty than men ? in mechanical engineering, for example, only 10 percent of faculty hired are women, Kaminski said in the podcast.
While her research shows women are doing better once they enter careers, it's clear the inequity begins earlier, when students enter a field, then a career route, she said. "We have?fewer women?in the pool to begin with and fewer women are coming into the pipeline."
Given the lopsided gender ratio of those entering academia, as well as the length of faculty careers, it could take a century before STEM faculty positions are split evenly between men and women, they calculate.
"That will take us maybe 40 or 50 years before we are hiring at 50 percent and then another 40 or 50 years before that effect washes through the system. It's going to be 100 years," Kaminski said.
The researchers tracked the progress of 2,966 faculty members at 14 U.S. universities using public lists of faculty members in catalogs and bulletins. Kaminski pointed out that the overall retention of STEM faculty was not ideal.
"We have a very high rate of leaving, so our retention in academia is low," she said. "We lose half our people in 11 years."??
The study is published in tomorrow's (Feb. 17) issue of the journal Science.
You can follow LiveScience senior writer Wynne Parry on Twitter @Wynne_Parry.?Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter @livescience?and on Facebook.
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Physical Therapist Foam Roller Physical exercises Great For On the ...
Physical Therapists target considerably less on physical exercise routines and a lot more on the framework of the entire body and restoring practical movements and health and wellbeing. Foam roller workout routines are getting to be a staple of physical therapy and are swiftly building their way into the elite teaching applications of professional athletes and coaches. These ?regeneration? exercises are just as valuable for the casual physical exercises as they are for the competent football player.
Most fitness courses acquire an all-or-not a thing method. When you?re training, you practice quite complicated. And when you are not teaching, you do absolutely nothing. No make any difference the conditions, you do all or you do absolutely nothing.
In truth of the matter, you want to merge quality work with level of quality relaxation to get the benefits you want. Lively relaxation is a type of recovery or regeneration because of lighter bodily activities. Passive recovery consists of massage and sitting in an incredibly hot tub or taking a cold plunge. Each things are not only critical, they are as vital as doing work out.
Regeneration work outs will need some affordable things: a foam roll and an eight foot duration of rope. The foam roll is in most cases 18 inches extensive and 5 inches in diameter. It is crafted of hugely packed foam and can stand up to serious weight.
Foam roll physical exercises are like a deep tissue massage. It employs deep compression to support roll out the muscle spasms that build about time. The compression causes the nerves to relax and also loosens muscle, having the blood flowing, and assists the shape recover. Feel of your entire body as clay. The roll softens up the clay so you can remold it into a thing a lot more pliable and useful.
You are going to very likely love the foam roller exercise routines. Every person likes a fantastic massage. Nevertheless, there will be some uncomfortable moments, as there would be in a specialized massage. The moment you are previous the 1st couple weeks with the foam roller, it?s going to get considerably less complicated and more secure. The foam roll is a great barometer of the high quality of your muscle mass and connective tissue. The greater it feels, and the significantly less it hurts, the greater the superior of your tissue.
You can do foam roller exercise routines every day of the week. At a minimal nevertheless, you want to dedicate two to three exercise routines a week to regeneration workouts.
Looking for further info foam rollers?Go to our web site for extra information.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Scuba-Diving Murder Trial: Prosecutor Says Gabe Watson Had Motive To Drown Wife
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- An Alabama man drowned his new bride during a dive on Australia's Great Barrier Reef in hopes of collecting $210,000 in insurance benefits and belongings that included her diamond engagement ring, a prosecutor told jurors in opening statements Tuesday.
Gabe Watson, 34, planned the honeymoon on the other side of the world and then used it to kill 26-year-old Tina Thomas Watson just 11 days after they wed in October 2003, said Assistant Alabama Attorney General Andrew Arrington. Watson is being tried on a charge of capital murder. The defense argued the woman's death was an unfortunate accident compounded by her own actions.
Watson had plenty of motive to kill, Arrington said: He thought he could make $210,000 by collecting on a life insurance policy and a separate travel policy. Australian police didn't believe Watson's varying tales about what happened the day his wife drowned, Arrington said, and neither should jurors.
"Tina trusted her husband. She felt safe diving with him," Arrington said in quiet, measured tones.
The prosecution contends Watson turned off his wife's air supply while both were underwater and held her in a bear-hug until she lost consciousness. Watson turned the air back on and let her sink to her death before swimming to the top, prosecutors say.
As Arrington spoke, the jury of eight women and six men looked at a haunting underwater photo taken by another diver of the death scene. It showed Tina Watson sprawled in deep water as Watson swam to the surface.
Defense lawyer Brett Bloomston said the entire prosecution is based on "bumbling law enforcement" in Australia believing that a problem with Watson's dive computer ? which resembles a big wristwatch ? proved he killed the woman he loved. That mistake early in the investigation made police wrongly see innocent actions and circumstances as proof of a crime, Bloomston said.
Rather than being murdered, Tina Watson struggled and knocked off her husband's air supply and diving mask, forcing him to resurface without her, Bloomston said. She drowned on her own, he said.
"This is a tragic case. What's even more traffic is the blame Gabe has had to live with this last number of years," he said. Watson's mother broke down crying at one point.
Watson already has served 18 months in prison in Australia after pleading guilty to manslaughter in his wife's death, but Circuit Judge Tommy Nail told jurors previously that the case involved negligence, not murder.
The first witness, Queensland Police Service detective Kevin Gehringer, said authorities didn't initially consider Tina Watson's death a homicide. "In my mind it was an accident," he said.
Jurors read along with transcripts as prosecutors played an audio recording of a statement that Watson gave to Gehringer the day Tina Watson died, Oct. 22, 2003. Watson could be heard discussing the dive and his dive computer in a calm voice, but many parts were indecipherable to spectators in a large basement courtroom where the trial is being held.
The judge previously turned down defense claims that trying Watson on a murder charge in Alabama was unconstitutional since he already was prosecuted in Australia. He faces a sentence of life without parole if convicted.
Bloomston denied that Watson had any reason to kill his wife, arguing that the woman's father was the beneficiary on her life insurance policy. That policy was worth only $33,000, not the $165,000 suggested by prosecutors, Bloomston said, and a separate travel policy for $45,000 was only to cover the cost of the trip.
"There was no financial motive," he said.
Bloomston argued that Tina Watson contributed to her own death by waiving an orientation dive and placing too much weight in a device meant to help her stay underwater during the dive. She panicked once during a diving class in a flooded suburban rock quarry, Bloomston said, suggesting that she may have panicked again during the fatal dive.
"It's all part of this perfect storm of bad circumstances," Bloomston told jurors.
Despite prosecutors' attempts to portray Watson as a scuba expert, both he and his wife were "very inexperienced divers" who got into trouble in the heavy currents near a shipwreck on the Australian coast, he said.
As attorneys spoke, Watson's second wife, Kim Watson, sat in the courtroom with his family.
In this undated photo provided by Townsville Coroners Court, Gabe Watson, left, and his then-fiancee, Tina, pose on their engagement. Jury selection will begin on Feb. 13, 2012 in the trial of Watson, who is accused of drowning his newlywed bride Tina Thomas Watson during a scuba dive in Australia just days after their wedding in October 2003.
In this undated photo provided by Townsville Coroners Court, Gabe Watson, left, and his then-fiancee, Tina, pose on their engagement. Jury selection will begin on Feb. 13, 2012 in the trial of Watson, who is accused of drowning his newlywed bride Tina Thomas Watson during a scuba dive in Australia just days after their wedding in October 2003.
Gabe Watson
In this undated photo provided by Townsville Coroners Court, Gabe Watson, left, and his then-fiancee, Tina, pose on their engagement. Jury selection will begin on Feb. 13, 2012 in the trial of Watson, who is accused of drowning his newlywed bride Tina Thomas Watson during a scuba dive in Australia just days after their wedding in October 2003.
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Katy Perry Grammy Performance: Is "Part of Me" a Dig at Russell Brand?
Their divorce is amicable and we don't normally like to read into things like this, but Katy Perry's new song, "Part of Me," sure sounds like a dig at Russell Brand.
The newly Katy started off her 2012 Grammy Awards performance singing her hit "E.T.", but then the music suddenly stopped and she burst into "Part of Me."
Aggressively, she sang lyrics like:
“You chewed me up and spit me out / Like I was poison in your mouth / You took my light, you drained me down / You ripped me off, your love was cheap.”
Easy to interpret it as bitterness toward Brand, no? Watch Perry perform in a ridiculously tight, form fitting rubber cat suit of sorts with her blue hair below:
Perhaps the strongest indication that this was aimed at Russell? The original song lyrics include, “You can keep the dog from me, I never liked him anyway.”
But last night, Perry sang: “Keep your diamond ring, in fact, you can keep everything – except for me.” Ouch. That's got to hurt, R ... amicable split or not.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Disney Lady and the Tramp Blu-ray Diamond Edition Review ? Here ...
I remember taking my little girl to see Lady and the Tramp in its third theater release. I remember her insisting on having her own Tramp. This animated classic is now available on Blu-ray. I?m glad that I can replace my VCR tape with a Diamond Edition, true magic in high definition. Released first in 1955, Lady and the Tramp remains an endearing classic.
Lady and the Tramp, the 1955 first full length original cartoon story, is vintage Disney. Suburb pencil artwork sets the tale in gaslight early 20th Century refined middle-class Midwest America. Its outstanding sound track includes musical favorites La La Lu, The Siamese Cat Song, He?s a Tramp, and Bella Notte. No wonder it ranks as one of the 100 greatest love stories of all time.
Plot synopsis:
Jim Dear gives his wife a Christmastide gift, a puppy. Charmed by the cocker spaniel, Darling indulges her pedigree leash and collar set pet as does her husband. Things change temporarily when the couple have a baby. Meanwhile sheltered Lady meets streetwise, footloose, collar free mongrel Tramp. The mutt with radical ideas warns her that when the baby moves in, the dog moves out.
The couple go away leaving well-meaning busybody Aunt Sara to mind things. Accompanying her are two Siamese troublemaker cats, Si and Am, with not so honorable intentions about milk and fish. Aunt Sara blames Lady for their misdeeds and muzzles Lady.
The dog runs away to meets up again with Tramp to have fun, share a day at the zoo, and a special dinner at Tony?s restaurant while on the road. Along the way Lady is caught by the dog catcher and taken to the pound. Once reclaimed by Aunt Sara, she is put in the doghouse.
Outside Lady sees a rat going towards the nursery. Tramp helps her save the baby, but, in the ruckus, the crib topples. Aunt Sara does not see the dead rat, blames the two dogs, and calls the pound. Jim and Darling return and realize what really happened. Jim retrieves Tramp and gives him a collar and a license.
The next Christmas Jim, Darling, baby, Lady, Tramp, and four pups share the day together. Lesson: things are not always as they seem.
I appreciate the 2 disc Blu-ray and DVD combo pack. Its bonus features are extremely interesting to Disney fan me.
Disc 1?Blu-ray Feature Film + bonus includes:
Never-Before-Seen Deleted Scenes
Never-Before-Heard deleted Song ?I?m Free?
Inside Walt?s Story Meetings
Lady?s Pedigree: The Making of Lady and the Tramp
The Siamese Cat Song: Finding a Voice for the Cats
Plus DVD Bonus Features
Disc 2-DVD Feature Film + Bonus includes:
Diane Disney Miller: Remembering Dad
Puppypedia: Going to the Dogs
I think Lady and the Tramp is a captivating child-friendly story from which children can watch, enjoy and learn. The G-rated feature listing at $39.99 retail, has a 76 minute running time that goes quickly.
Here?s a clip called He?s A Tramp.
And some fun activities.
I got into the Disney Second Screen that shows Walt, his wife, his children, his grandchildren in Disneyland. It gives viewers an intimate glimpse and personal knowledge not available to the public (example: Walt Disney?s Victorian apartment over the Firehouse by Main Street, Disneyland with the collectibles like the cranberry pieces, Edison phonograph, and Regina music box clock).
The product(s) featured in this review was provided free of cost to me for the sole purpose of product testing and review. This review has not been monetarily compensated and is based on the views and opinions of my family and/or self. Please note that the opinions reflected in this post have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way.
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Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Bounce of Interpersonal Communication - The Usabilla Blog
To me communication is like a bouncing ball. At least if we look at how it evolves over time in regard of its level of personality. Why? Well, it started with the most personal way: face to face communication. Then, through different mediated channels of communication, it reached it low point. Now, with the advances of the Web 2.0, personal communication reaches a new climax.
The availability and popularity of different means of communication influence how we communicate with each other. They influence what we say, how we say it, and what levels of communication we use. Back when there was no Internet, no telephone, and let?s say, when writing and reading were not common skills, communication was extremely personal. People actually had to speak to each other face to face in order to say something. This way of communication is direct and synchronous and has always been a very powerful one. We use words to communicate a message, but at the same time we can use the pitch of our voice to shape our message. Our facial expression can strengthen or weaken the words we speak, and so can our gesture and body language.
As mediated channels of communication popped up, communication inevitably became less personal. Let?s take for example the written word or the telephone. When we write something, we only have words to express our message. These words however stand alone and might be misinterpreted by the person who reads them. Besides, communication through text is not synchronous, which means we might write something and another person reads it at a later point of time. Through the telephone, we can still communicate synchronous, and we have words and our voice to wrap our message in. But there is no facial expression involved and we can?t use our body to express things like emotions.
With the Internet many new ways of communication have appeared to the masses, like chat, email, or simply a website. All of these channels used to be considered highly impersonal. While a chat is usually live and only entails a little time delay, email is not synchronous at all. At least not if the receiver does not check his inbox right the moment the mail was sent. Besides, communication over the Internet is extremely easy and requires neither a lot of time nor effort. Communication somehow lost its relevance and the opportunity to communicate in such an easy way became a commodity. Websites on the other hand were always considered a powerful tool of communication. However, this communication was very much one-directional and rather informative than interactive. Personality did not use to play an important role on the Web.
This changed with the Web 2.0. It seems that suddenly, personality and interaction became a central aspect of many websites. I believe this change is partially due to technological inventions, but also to the increasing economic value of the Web. People have shifted the focus of their lives from offline to online. We ?live? parts of our lives on social media platforms, go shopping in our favorite webstores, read the newspaper online, and browse the Web for a new car, insurance, or even a new relationship. This increasingly dominant position of the Web in our daily lives requires a new, a more personal way of communication. No matter how much technology we use, we stay human, and as humans we need relationships.
Relationships are based on communication and the more personal this communication, the closer our relationships. We try to compensate the lack of interpersonal relationships that we encounter through our busy lifestyles and the intense use of technologies. That?s why we get addicted to social media. That?s why we prefer personal websites over impersonal ones, why we love interaction, even if only a mediated version of it. And that?s why we perceive the Web as cosy, communicative, and personal place, rather than the gigantic and anonymous web of linked pages that it is.
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Saturday, February 11, 2012
What Is In Home Elder Care Companionship?
Elder care is beneficial to these individuals who prefer to stay of their houses but need a constant care which their family members can?t simply provide. With elder care, seniors can dwell on their very own as long as doable, receiving as much assist as doable from the outside. The providers given to seniors depend mostly on every individual?s condition. Elder care might either contain giving limited well being care providers to seniors with minimal well being issues or extra full well being care providers to a recuperating, disabled, or terminal ill senior. Ordinarily, these adults are placed in a nursing house surroundings and not in a hospital setting. Specifically, family members of patients suffering from Alzheimer?s disease and different comparable ailments feel it?s significantly better for them to stay of their house surroundings via the assistance of a home elder caregiver.
Elder care providers could also be acquired either via an in house care agency or by hiring a caregiver directly. Direct hires are extra widespread for companionship providers and for house well being providers when seniors? situations are more likely to stay the identical for an prolonged period. Senior caregivers might present their providers on a dwell-in basis or they may dwell out. In general, those who present companionship providers are keep-in staff whereas house well being aides come and go on a pre-determined timetable.
Elder care companionship providers are primarily offered to aged adults who?re physically healthy but need some help in their Activities of Each day Dwelling or ADLs. Its predominant thrust is to permit them to dwell independently in their very own houses for so long as possible. The help given is usually non-medical. In general, an elder care companion doesn?t present the extra detailed features of senior care.
Though a companion is analogous with a home well being aide, resembling having an experience with affected person care and absent training, a companion has a much less physically demanding job than a well being aide. The reason for that is that with this job the senior consumer is generally extra cellular and physically fit. In direction of him, a companion is extra of a friend and a confidant than a well being worker. His duties are extra on offering satisfaction to an grownup who is living in solitude and guarantee involved family members of the senior?s over-all nicely-being.
An elder care companion is able to remodel regular care giving duties into nice opportunities for pleasurable conversations and actions that can enhance the senior?s lives. Companionship providers might embody strolling across the neighborhood, discussing current information or personal interests, talking in regards to the past whereas viewing old footage, and working on puzzles, playing scrabbles, going to church and attending senior center activities. By way of these totally different sorts of actions seniors are given the emotional support that they badly need and a few type of help that can keep them mentally alert. These actions additionally make sure that they continue to be physically active.
For their providers to be highly efficient, elder companions tailor them in response to the character, interests, and expertise of each senior client. Research research prove that these elder companion practices will help seniors dwell longer and have a healthier and extra meaningful life.
This post is written by Luis Garcia 43, he is a web enthusiast and ingenious blogger who loves to write about many different topics, such as logo jackets. His educational background in journalism and family science has given him a broad base from which to approach many topics, including embroidered polo shirts and many others. He enjoys experimenting with various techniques and topics like embroidered polo shirt, and has a love for creativity. He has a really strong passion for scouring the internet in search of inspiational topics.
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Friday, February 10, 2012
Internet ? The Best Place to Buy Icici lombard health insurance policy
There are many insurance companies that are offering attractive deals on all kinds of <a href=?>icici lombard health insurance policy</a>. You can contact an insurance agent for getting the right health or <a href=?>medical insurance policy</a>.
Health care has become very expensive these days. Icici lombard health insurance policy helps to provide security for any future health care expenses that may arise. Here, the insurer pays the medical costs of the insured that arise from illnesses or accidents. Icici lombard health insurance policy has become necessary today. Health insurance covers health care costs but also helps to keep the cost of health care low. Health insurance is generally sought by people who have bad health records or addictions like alcohol or smoking, or who are likely to have future health problems.
There are many health insurance policies to suit all kinds of people and their requirements. Health or medical insurance policy can be purchased either privately or through an insurance broker certified by the state. The basic categorization is private and public health insurance. There are certain accusations against private health insurance companies: the premiums are set differently for different people, the companies do not announce premiums more than a year in advance, some companies do not address claims properly and may even deny payments, and experimental treatments are not covered by their policies.
When selecting a icici lombard health insurance policy, make sure you understand the various terms, like the kind of premium to be paid, the coverage provided, the limits of liability, the policy limits, benefits, deductibles and the term of insurance. There are also other aspects, such as: co-insurance, co-payments, out-of-pocket, exclusions, lifetime maximum, waiting period, coordination of benefits, grace periods and more. The choice of doctors, specialist care, pre-existing conditions, emergency and hospital care, regular physicals and health screenings, prescription drug coverage, obstetrician/gynecologist coverage, costs and additional services should also be contemplated. Also get to know about the policy?s stand in relation to planned hospitalizations as well as emergency care.
Other aspects to be taken into account while choosing a icici lombard health insurance policy are how the plan handles medical care like physical examinations and health screenings, vision care, and dental services; what is the care and counseling for mental health; what are the services for drug and alcohol abuse; is there ongoing care for chronic and long-term diseases; does it cover physical therapy and rehabilitative care; does it cover nursing home, home health and hospice care; does it cover alternative medical care like acupuncture; does it cover experimental treatments and therapies, and other factors.
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Thursday, February 9, 2012
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michigan siding, michigan vinyl siding, - Making Livelier Homes ...
Trimmings are one of the most important elements in creating and maintaining an attractive curb appeal. These are decorative accents surrounding windows, doors, and gables, to make emphasis on the beauty of the said structures. With these trims, home exteriors look livelier, increasing architectural worth and resale value.
There are different types of trims that can be employed on home exteriors. Such vary in sizes, shapes, textures, and colors. Some of the most commonly used materials include wood, stucco, brick, stone, and paint. Among all these, wood is on top of the list as suggested by consumer reports because this type of material is easy to install and costs less despite longevity. Above all, the beauty and function of wood can perfectly fit any building material including vinyl.
As suggested by most home building experts, trimming vinyl windows and sidings with wood is the same as accentuating other wood structures. The process is fast and easy and the results are almost at par. Nonetheless, working on two different materials mean that wood and vinyl cannot be painted together; hence, the vinyl casing should first be completely covered while trims are being installed.
Indeed, trimming home exteriors call for great craftsmanship and dexterity. Therefore, homeowners should only entrust their trims to the most reputable Michigan siding experts. They know for a fact that vinyl sidings and windows tend to leak when not efficiently installed. Hence, when they trim such home features, they make sure that all gaps are minimized to avoid water and moisture problems from arising in the future.
These professional Michigan vinyl siding installers can work on special trim pieces that can strongly hold siding cuts and can hide ends and edges smoothly. Measurements are taken with much accuracy and strategy from top to bottom and from side to side. More importantly, they cut and set up trimmings meticulously with clean and straight cuts to avoid structural irregularities, and since they are experienced when it comes to beautifying home exteriors, they know which trimming shades can best fit siding and window colors. With that, the best home features can be displayed better to boost architectural value and attract potential buyers.
Such professional providers have a wide selection of trims and other decorative needs like corner posts and moldings to further accentuate homes. Mix-and-matching can be a breeze with the help of these home restoration experts and owners can surely achieve unique, customized looks. Of course, it is important to note that these contractors do not only carry out trimming jobs. They are also adept with other home improvement services including the installation of replacement window Michigan residents recommend.
If you have questions, please visit us at for complete details and answers.
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012
i hit a bird?
Yesterday I was driving down the road? and
all of a sudden I hit a bird that had been
sitting idle on the side of the road.
Yup, the silly thing decided it would like
to take flight as I drove along.
?It just came right at my front windshield.
Luckily, it bounced off and no damage was
done? other then the slight shock to me.
However, it really made me think about how
tiny things can be huge distractions? huge
obstacles for our business.
That bird was a huge distraction, for me the
rest of the drive, ?was it ok?? ?was my car
ok??.. All that stuff was running through my
And yet, it was only a small thing. The bird
was of course fine, and the car was of course
Small things are REALLY big distractions for
us, and if you can?t ignore ?small issues? your
not going to be able to grow your business, because
you?re focused ON the small stuff.
A great example of this is people who write
e-books, and like to get all fancy. You know
the headers, graphics, all inside the book?
Well, think about this? While you were making
that epic looking book, you could have made a
sales letter so that someone would ACTUALLY
see that book.
There was really no need for those graphics, was
there? Other then you sweating the small stuff because
Point Blank: You gotta focus on the BIG stuff, and
let the small stuff fall into place.
One of my mentors really sparked this into me, he
said ?get your products done in a few hours, one
sitting always?. Why did he make that point? He wanted
me to put out QUALITY stuff instead of wasting my time
sweating all the small things in products.
?Just get it done.
I?ll leave you with this, I?m doing a training program
tomorrow with my friend Mike Carraway about how to
sell stuff online. I?d really appreciate if you would
join us. Feel free to get the details at the link
Talk Soon,
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012
New Delhi?s pride: its modern metro
So classy, even its riders seem to behave better when aboard.
Efficient, clean, air-conditioned, safe: The Delhi metro is a modern wonder amid India?s chaos. Sleek silver trains pull into stations like clockwork.
Skip to next paragraphOrderly commuters line up exactly where the train doors will open. There?s no pushing, no shoving. Uniformed attendants in the busiest stations usher passengers aboard.
The classiness of this public transportation system seems to have imbued riders with heightened civility. (Perhaps someday even the ?no spitting? signs won?t be necessary!)
Although photography is usually forbidden, given fears of terrorist attacks, I got ?special permission to take photographs at three stations for exactly one hour. (TV crews got only 15 minutes.) I must have been yelled at by 50 passengers who felt it their civic duty to tell me to stop. Fortunately, I had a letter of permission to brandish.
The first metro line opened in December 2006, under budget and three years ahead of schedule. When finished, the system will be bigger than the sprawling London Underground. Officials say the metro has kept more than 150,000 cars off the road, cutting pollutants in a big way. It has also acted as a stimulus for urban renewal.
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Sports legends of the Ville: The Trainer [Sports] |
In 1994 Bud Bruner had established himself as a local boxing legend working with area greats like Muhammad Ali and Jimmy Ellis. Indeed ?94 would prove to be the veteran sportsman?s final year in the fight game, a game that had started years ago back when a young Bruner was an up and coming athlete at his alma mater, Manual High School.
A natural athlete while in high school Bruno was a stand-out in baseball, basketball, football and track.
It wasn?t until Bruner left the halls of his high school though, that his career with boxing truly began. It was the 1930?s and the young Bruner had landed employment with the City of Louisville Recreation Department, Bruner was put in charge of playground tournaments and a seeming perfect match was made.
In fact his work in Louisville led him to a position at Fort Knox at the end of the decade as their athletic director. It was here that Bruner really became immersed in the sport and culture of boxing. Managing and supervising gyms and boxing events and most notably working to establish Golden Glove teams for tournament competition is where Bruner really began to cut his teeth in the boxing world.
In 1952 Bruner had developed a reputation as a skillful and intelligent manager, and as such after coming back to Louisville became a trainer; working with fourteen state golden glove champions.
In fact, ?52 would prove to be a banner year for Bruner and the sport of boxing in the region as a whole, as Bruner opened the doors on the famed Headline Boxing Gym.
Through Headline Bruner worked with Jimmy Ellis, Rudell Stitch, and a young man named Clay who was just starting in his career just to name a few.
Despite a spinal injury in 1985 Bruner continued shaping young area boxers out of a wheelchair until his eventual retirement in the summer of 1994.
Sadly, two years later Louisville lost a real sports legend when Bruner past away in February of 1996.
His legacy still lives on in the city?s sports traditions today though; just in 2005 he was posthumously inducted into Manual high school?s Alumni Association Hall of Fame.
Outside Sources
Bud Bruner
Image courtesy?of?OOT P Developments
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